A sample blog page that demonstrates the inclusion of Tweets/Timelines/etc. Tweet An example of displaying a tweet: jekyll-twitter-plugin (1.0.0): A Liquid tag plugin for Jekyll that renders Tweets from Twitter API http://t.co/m4EIQPM9h4— RubyGems (@rubygems) October 5, 2014 Timeline An example of pulling from a timeline: Tweets by jekyllrb Additional Details For more details on using the plugin visit: jekyll-twitter-plugin # Perform kriging interpolation using the variogram model krig.est <- krige(fulmar~1, fulmar.spdf, newdata = s.grid, model = fvgm) # Convert the kriging results to a SpatialPixelsDataFrame object krig.grid <- SpatialPixelsDataFrame(krig.est, krig.est@data) # Create a choropleth map of the kriging estimates krig.map.est <- tm_shape(krig.grid) + tm_raster(col = 'var1.pred', breaks = levs, title = 'Fulmar Density', palette = 'Reds') + tm_layout(legend.bg.color = 'white', legend.frame = TRUE) # Define breaks for the estimate variance map var.levs <- c(0, 3, 6, 9, 12, Inf) # Create a choropleth map of the kriging estimate variance krig.map.var <- tm_shape(krig.grid) + tm_raster(col = 'var1.var', breaks = var.levs, title = 'Estimate Variance', palette = 'Reds') + tm_layout(legend.bg.color = 'white', legend.frame = TRUE) # Arrange the two maps side-by-side using tmap_arrange tmap_arrange(krig.map.est, krig.map.var)